Archives par mot-clé : Histoire conceptuelle

JE Reinhart Koselleck, Paris, EHESS, 13-14 juin 2019


HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue de deux journées d’étude autour de l’œuvre de Reinhart Koselleck qui auront lieu à l’EHESS les 13 et 14 juin 2019. Vous trouverez le programme et l’argumentaire détaillé ici :

L’entrée est libre dans la limite des places disponibles.


Journées d’étude internationales

“Le présent de l’Historik. Autour de l’œuvre de Reinhart Koselleck”

Organisées par Goran Gaber (LIER- FYT), Bruno Godefroy (Université Lyon III), Bruno Quélennec (LIER-FYT/SIRICE).

Avec le soutien financier du LIER-FYT, de l’EHESS, de l’Institut Historique Allemand et de la FMSH

Le point de départ de ces deux journées d’étude est l’hypothèse suivante : toute “théorie des temps historiques” (ou Historik) est également un diagnostic du présent, de la situation politique contemporaine. Or, cette hypothèse n’a pas souvent été prise en compte dans le cas de l’œuvre même de Reinhart Koselleck. En effet, si les réappropriations très diverses dont font l’objet ses concepts sont la preuve de leur incontestable puissance théorique, elles semblent également être le produit d’un double processus de “décontextualisation” historique et de “neutralisation” politique. L’historicisation de l’Historikque souhaitent initier ces deux journées aura donc un objectif double. Il s’agira d’une part de retrouver le sens complet de la théorie des temps historiques de Koselleck dans son contexte d’élaboration, en tant qu’elle est également un diagnostic de son présent. Ce faisant, on pourra d’autre part mieux comprendre et évaluer la fonction et la valeur de cette théorie aujourd’hui : quels sont les buts recherchés et les effets, conscients ou non, de ses usages contemporains ?


NB: exposés et échanges se dérouleront en anglais.

Jeudi 13 juin – 105 boulevard Raspail – Salle 5

10h30-11h : Accueil et présentation (B. Quélennec, B. Godefroy, G. Gaber)

SESSION 1 (Modération : Julia Christ, LIER-FYT)

11h-11h50: Goran Gaber (LIER-FYT): “Reinhart Koselleck’s Kritik und Krise: from critique of modernity to the modernity of critique”

11h50-12h40 Clotilde Nouët (Lyon III): “Koselleck read by Habermas”

SESSION 2 (Modération : Bruno Godefroy)

14h15-15h05 : Benjamin Pinhas (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Groupe de recherche sur la culture de Weimar): “From structural history (Strukturgeschichte) to history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte)? Reinhart Koselleck’s conception of history in the context of the historiography of the early Federal Republic of Germany”

15h05-15h55 : Timo Pankakoski (University of Helsinki): “From Historical Structures to Temporal Layers: Hans Freyer and Conceptual History”

15h55-16h15 : Pause café

SESSION 3 (Modération : Goran Gaber)

16h15-17h05 : Wolf Feuerhahn (CNRS-Centre Alexandre Koyré): “‘Progress and historicism offer a Janus face’. Reinhart Koselleck’s battlefields”.

17h05-17H55 : Alexandre Escudier (FNSP, CEVIPOF): “La modernité politique selon Koselleck : une matrice interprétative et ses insuffisances”.

17h55-18h30 : Discussion générale, bilan de la première journée

Vendredi 14 juin – 105 boulevard Raspail – Salle 7

9h40-10h : Accueil Café

SESSION 4 (Modération : Florence Hulak, Paris VIII & LIER-FYT)

10h-10h50 : Francesco Callegaro (Universidad nacional San Martin de Buenos Aires & LIER-FYT): “The collective subject of history. On the philosophico-political legacy of Koselleck’s Historik”.

10h50-11h40 : Falko Schmieder (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin): “Reinhart Koselleck’s chrono-political crisis theory. Actuality and limits”.

11h40-12h30 : Niklas Olsen (University of Copenhagen): “Past and Present Uses and Interpretations of Reinhart Koselleck “

12h30-13h : Discussion finale.


Call for Panel Proposals: “Concepts in Transit”, Conceptual History – ECPR 2018

HiSoPo vous informe de cet appel à communications pour un panel d’histoire conceptuelle dans le cadre du prochain congrès de l’ECPR.


Call for Panel Propoals – ECPR General Conference 2018

Concepts in Transit: Political Ideas between Context and Universality


Political concepts – in their everyday usage, in political thought, or when used as analytical categories – acquire their meaning and their force from the concrete contexts in which they are used. Yet concepts often raise claims that reach beyond these particular contexts. This section focuses on the tension between the context-bound and context-transcending qualities of political concepts. The notion of “transit” points to a passage between different discursive spaces and levels of abstraction, a passage with its own rules and strategies. The proposed section will examine manifold types of conceptual transit and conceptual change in a number of different fields and subdisciplines.

The theme of “Concepts in Transit” brings to the fore questions such as how political concepts move between contexts, be it linguistic, social and cultural, discursive, or disciplinary contexts. The topic links to a number of questions: How does the normative and/or analytical reach of political concepts change in such conceptual transits, from both temporal and spatial perspectives? How are concepts used and/or interpreted differently in different contexts and subfields? What are the costs of conceptual travels, and what are their limits? What kind of strategies, rules, rhetorical moves, and practices are involved in them? What is the role of political ideologies in this regard? What impact does the rise of digital means of communication have on the circulation of political concepts? Is there a tension between a universalization of political languages on the one hand and an appeal to nationalisms or particularisms in politics on the other? Can political agents and speech acts purposely bridge the gap between the ideas of the particular and universal? How has the transit to universalization been undone and reinvented in both history and contemporary contexts?

This section during the ECPR General Conference to be held in Hamburg, 22–25 August 2018 is endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”. We invite panel proposals which explore the following fields of research (non-exhaustive):

  • Political ideologies
  • Intellectual history and conceptual history
  • Comparative political thought
  • Democracy and democratization
  • European politics and institutions
  • Parliaments: national and supranational
  • International law and human rights
  • Digital communication
  • Politics and time
  • Ideas of the global
  • Concepts on the move: translations, migrations, circulation of ideas

Please send your panel proposals until November 10, 2017 to Rosario López ( and Rieke Trimҫev ( Proposals should be composed of:

  • Tentative panel title
  • Name and institutional affiliation of chair (and co-chair if applicable)
  • Short abstract (up to 150 words)
  • Name, affiliation, and paper titles of up to five panelists if available

Rosario López, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Málaga,

Rieke Trimҫev, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Political Science and Communication Studies, University of Greifswald,

CfP: “The 20th International Conference on Conceptual History”, Norway, University of Oslo, September 21-23, 2017

HiSoPo vous informe de la conférence internationale d’histoire conceptuelle, qui se tiendra à Oslo les 21, 22 et 23 septembre 2017. Vous en trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à communications. la deadline est fixée au 15 mai 2017.

The Humanities and Social Sciences Library at Blindern, UiO. Photo: Derivative of Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo by Kjetil Ree, used under CC BY-SA 3.0 /Text as licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 by Hedda Molland.

Call for papers

The 20th International Conference on Conceptual History

University of Oslo, Norway

September 21-23, 2017

Concepts in the World: Politics, Knowledge, and Time

As the annual International Conference on Conceptual History celebrates its twentieth anniversary, conceptual history is gaining ground in an ever-increasing number of fields, disciplines and parts of the world. The number of scholars identifying with some version of conceptual history is increasing, as is the breadth of topics, theories, and approaches. This conference aims to reflect that diversity.

Few other approaches are as conducive to dialogues across disciplinary borders, and we want to use this occasion to invite in all those who center their inquiry on social, historical, political and scientific concepts and their history. Our ambition is that this conference shall be both a meeting-place for all those working on conceptual history, regardless of approach or topic, while also trying to expand the field by soliciting proposals on three specific, although broad themes:

1. Concepts in the World

Acknowledging that conceptual history is moving beyond single-language traditions of inquiry, and that scholars working on non-European material have begun using conceptual history as a tool for philological study, we want to encourage more studies of entanglements between traditions, translations as well as more cross-linguistic comparison. Trying to move away from the Eurocentrism that is almost inevitable in a field that emerged and flourished in Europe, and the single-language (and often national language) focus that often also pervades those using conceptual history on non-European texts, we seek papers that explore new ways of studying the entanglements between different linguistic traditions, in their most historically specific and practical forms like transfers and translations as well as in their theoretical ramifications, moving beyond Europe and beyond Western modernity.

2. Conceptual history as history of knowledge

Among the most innovative fields in the humanities and social sciences in the last decades has been the history and sociology of science, or, in a more comprehensive mode, the history of knowledge. Independent of the different disciplinary labels, like history of science, STS, historical epistemology, or Wissensgeschichte, all these approaches give attention to concepts used to gain new knowledge, defend old, or make claims to truth and authority, always in connections with non-linguistic practices, technologies, and instruments. For this conference we invite papers that explore the interface between the history of concepts and the history of knowledge, by means of case studies, theoretical exchanges, or explorations of key figures and traditions in both fields.

3. The Multiple Times of Concepts and Histories

Modernization and globalization have brought about more complex and heterogeneous temporal relations, in which the global times of commerce, technology and media come in conflict with the different rhythms and dynamics in diverse cultures and communities. At present, one of the foremost challenges for policy makers, as well as researchers in the humanities and social sciences, is to find ways to understand the existence of multiple temporalities within the overarching narrative of global progress. The plurality of historical times poses a major challenge for anyone who aims to map the intentions or causes leading up to an event, the consequences following from it, or to decide if an event constitutes rupture or continuity with what lies before and comes after it. Conceptual history stands out from other approaches in the way it is able to identify and analyze the multiple temporalities of human life and history, based on what Reinhart Koselleck referred to as “a theory of historical times”. However, in order to make good on this theoretical heritage new and critical engagements with the Eurocentric, modernist, and historicist biases framing this line inquiry are necessary, as are new and innovative studies of the vocabularies of time in different languages as well as the practices they are linked to.

Proposals for individual papers should be no longer than 400 words, and proposals for panels should not exceed 800 words. Short bios of the speakers should be added (maximum 100 words). Panels at the conference will last two hours. There should be no more than four papers and a discussant/chair per panel.

Please send your proposals to

The deadline for sending in proposals is 15 April 2017

Authors will be notified of paper acceptance or non-acceptance at latest the 15 May.

Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le site Internet de l’Université d’Oslo ici:

Séminaire d’histoire de la philosophie politique, “Pour une généalogie des concepts politiques”, Paris, Sorbonne, 2017

HiSoPo vous informe du lancement du séminaire d’histoire de la philosophie politique, “Pour une généalogie des concepts politiques”, qui se tiendra le vendredi, de 17h à 19h, dans la salle de formation de la Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne ( avec le soutien du CHSPM. Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’argumentaire et le programme ainsi qu’en format PDF ici: programme_genealogie_concepts

Séminaire d’histoire de la philosophie politique
« Pour une généalogie des concepts politiques »

organisé par Ludmilla Lorrain et Lyess Bourderbala
Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, vendredi 17-19h


Droits de l’homme, guerre juste, souveraineté, libertés civiles, crise de la représentation : au gré des crises politiques et de leur traitement médiatique, les mots du politique acquièrent une place centrale dans le langage ordinaire. Or, l’usage constant de ces notions, nous les rendant familières, a d’abord pour conséquence une illusion d’évidence, comme si leur signification, univoque, ne faisait pas problème. Cette familiarité des concepts de la philosophie politique produit en outre une seconde illusion, plus problématique : elle laisse penser que ceux-ci sont réductibles à des productions désincarnées, offertes à n’importe quel usage, susceptibles de désigner tout type de réalité (toute sorte de situations). En un mot, cette mobilisation constante des concepts de la philosophie politiques produit une illusion d’an­historicité.
Prenant le contre pieds de cet écueil, ce séminaire met au cœur de son travail l’historicité des concepts de la philosophie politique, et entend faire retour sur leurs conditions d’émergence. Notre objectif est ainsi de repenser le rapport inaugural entre faits historiques et pensée politique, en suivant l’hypothèse selon laquelle la compréhension de ce rapport doit permettre d’éclairer les concepts que déploie la philosophie politique. Car si, comme nous le pensons, la philosophie politique n’est pas le produit d’une spéculation hors sol, l’analyse de ses concepts gagnera en profondeur dès lors que l’attention sera portée sur les luttes et les tensions au fondement de leur construction. Ainsi, si certains concepts sont de véritables coups de force, l’ampleur des bouleversements qu’ils induisent n’est pleinement accessible sans une mise en lumière du contexte historique ayant prévalu à leur avènement. L’attention portera donc sur les processus, habituellement masqués, plutôt que sur leurs résultats, les concepts le plus souvent présentés entièrement extraits de leur entour. Notre objectif est donc de rendre visible les diverses tensions sémantiques et historiques qui structurent les concepts politiques.
Ce faisant, le séminaire a pour dessein de travailler à une généalogie des concepts de la philosophie politique, permettant de retrouver le processus d’accumulation des différents sens qui ont déterminé leur élaboration et définis le sens qui désormais est celui qu’ils portent dans le langage courant. Autant de couches de sens qui correspondent à autant de tensions historiques et de remaniements théoriques – des couches sédimentées, accumulées, supprimées ou réintroduites – dont il s’agira de retrouver la trace.


Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017

Delphine Thivet (Ehess) : « La guerre chez Hobbes, “entre le concept et l’histoire”. Réflexions pour une histoire sociale des concepts »

Répondant : Lyess Bouderbala (Université Paris 1)

Vendredi 24 Février 2017

Céline Spector (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Pourquoi l’Europe a-t-elle besoin d’une généalogie ? »

Répondante : Mathilde Unger (Université Paris 1).

Vendredi 28 Avril 2017

Philippe Crignon (Université de Bordeaux) : « Représentation actuelle et représentation virtuelle. Les enjeux d’une opposition conceptuelle »

Répondant : Raphaël Pierres (Université Paris 1)

Vendredi 5 mai  2017

Catherine Colliot-Thélène (Université Rennes 1) : « La démocratie : une affaire de droits? »

Répondante : Clotilde Nouët (Université Paris 1)

Vendredi 19 Mai 2017

Orazio Irrera, (Université Paris-8) « L’idéologie et sa matérialité »

Répondante : Audrey Benoît (Université Paris 1)

Vendredi 23 Juin 2017

Marie Goupy (Sciences Po, Paris) : « “L’état d’exception”, un concept an-historique ? »

Répondante : Ludmilla Lorrain (Université Paris 1)

Modalités pratiques

Les séances auront lieu dans la salle de formation de la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne. Si vous n’y êtes pas inscrits, merci d’écrire en amont aux organisatrices, afin de pouvoir accéder à la bibliothèque. De même, pour les personnes extérieures à l’université, pensez bien à contacter les organisatrices, afin d’être inscrite sur la liste des invités.
Contact :,

AAC section “Concepts in Conflict”, ECPR General Conference, Oslo, 6-9 septembre 2017

HiSoPo vous informe de la publication de l’appel à communication pour le prochain congrès de l’ECPR, qui se tiendra à Oslo du 6 au 9 septembre 2017. Le groupe “Political Concepts” organise une section intitulée “Concepts in Conflict”. Pour proposer une intervention, vous pouvez contacter les organisateurs/trices de la section ( ; ;, ou bien, encore mieux, directement les organisateurs/trices du panel qui vous intéresse.  Il est possible que le programme final change en fonction du nombre de réponses aux panels, ou que certains panels ne soient finalement pas retenus, mais dans ce cas les organisateurs essaieront de proposer des panels de remplacement.

ECPR General Conference
Oslo University
6-9 September 2017
Section proposal

Title: Concepts in Conflict

The aim of the section is to focus on political conflicts in their various forms, and the ways in which they are linked to different usages, contestations and discussions of concepts.

Worldwide, political conflicts pose challenges or threats in various degrees, not just on life and humanity, but also on political order and democratic institutions. They can come in different shapes and forms and last for longer or shorter periods of time. What they all share, however, is some kind of conceptual disagreement on principles, values or arguments. Sometimes conflicts can be reconciled, but there are also instances of crises following after another. Ethnic conflicts, for example, can be continuous, whereas European integration forms a very different sort of chain of crises that can also be detrimental for a whole continent. At the same time, political conflict is a basic feature of representative democracies. In parliaments, political disagreement and debate are constitutive of the political process and come about in orderly manner following established rules and procedure.

Controversies and struggles over concepts provide important nodal points for the study of politics and political conflicts. Paying attention to what is contested, not just in political life but in other types of debates as well, is not just the starting point for political research but can also constitute breaks or shifts in current debates, historical perception or established grand narratives. What has been previously considered as incontestable or without a doubt, can suddenly seem more problematic and worthy of further research. For example, human rights, nation states and the European integration can seem incontestable and matters of fact if the conceptual struggles over their political aspects are ignored.


Dr Taru Haapala is a research fellow at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä. She has held the position of visiting fellow at the Queen Mary Centre of History of Political Thought, University of London, and at the Department of History and Civilization of the European University Institute in Florence. She has co-chaired panels on deliberation in three previous ECPR General Conferences.



Dr Anna Kronlund is a Senior Research Fellow specializing in US politics at The Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Together with Dr Haapala, she has co-chaired panels on politics of deliberation in two previous ECPR General Conferences.


MA Gabriele Ciampini is a PhD student at Università degli Studi di Firenze. Previously he has acted as a Vice-Chair for Section on EU Politics at the ECPR Graduate Student Conference held in Tartu 2016 and a Chair of the panel ‘Liberalism and Economics’ at the ECPR General Conference in Montréal.


This section endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group Political Concepts will be formed of the following 11 panels addressing issues ranging from ethnic and religious conflicts to the European past and revolutions, with both modern and historical as well as theoretical and empirical emphases:

1) Concepts in revolutions

Chairs: Douglas Moggach (, University of Ottawa and Samuel Hayat (, CNRS (CERAPS)

The aim of the panel is to assess the effects of revolutions on key concepts in political vocabulary. The focus will be set on the concepts of freedom, universality, and the state.

2) The politics of negation: public resentment in democratic theory

Chair: Anthoula Malkopoulou (, Uppsala University

This panel will take issue with why citizens are becoming increasingly resentful of ‘democracy’ as we know it and how this bears on our understanding of democracy and related concepts, such as representation, participation and legitimacy.

3) Neoliberalism as a Social Order. Conflicting visions in the Neoliberal Intellectual Community

Chair: Gabriele Ciampini (, Università degli Studi di Firenze

The panel aims to analyse the intellectual conflicts within the neoliberal community. The panel focuses on the critiques of democracy and on the complex relationship between economic and political sphere.

4) Conceptual politics of European integration

Chairs: Taru Haapala (, University of Jyväskylä/Queen Mary University of London & Teemu Häkkinen (, University of Jyväskylä

This panel addresses the conceptual controversies related to European integration which can redefine and change the way in which key issues on European unity and its political institutions are seen and valued.

5) Strategic narratives and conceptual change

Chairs: Alister Miskimmon (, Royal Holloway University of London & Michelle Bentley (, Royal Holloway University of London

This panel examines the ways in which the strategic construction of rhetoric contributes to and facilitates shifts in conceptual understanding. It seeks to explore where actors deliberately construct narratives for their own gain and use redefinitions of concepts in order to realize the ambitions behind them.

6) Conflicting concepts in making representations of the past

Chairs: Katja Mäkinen (, University of Jyväskylä & Sanna Valkonen (, University of Lapland

Competing interpretations about the past are made through the uses and meanings of concepts depending on perspectives, contexts and actors involved. The panel will welcome papers discussing conceptual conflicts in politics of representation.

7) Ethnicity and the State: struggles over representation during political crises

Chairs: Mehdi Labzaé, CESSP, Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne & Marianne Saddier (, CESSP, Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne

This panel seeks to address from a comparative perspective mobilizations of ethnicity in the context of political crises, with a focus on their political usages and varying relationships with the State.

8) The Political Rhetoric of European Memory

Chair: Rieke Trimcev (, Greifswald University

The panel focuses on the political rhetoric of “European” Memory that serves to negotiate competing concepts of Europe and sustains manifold strategies to mobilize the past for present political aims.

9) Catholic Encounters with Nationalism and Political Modernity

Chair: Ettore Bucci (, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa – Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris

This panel aims at discussing case studies of the longstanding confrontation between the Roman Church and the liberal Nation-State after French Revolution. Through presentations of different historical and political contexts, it will focus on recognizing the continuities and discontinuities, from rejection to problematic cooperation.

10) Concept of crisis in international politics

Chair: Anna Kronlund (, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki

This panel investigates how the concept of crisis is used in the vocabulary of international politics. It discusses what kinds of events are constituted as crisis and how these are to be analyzed and conceptualized.

11) Linguistic justice and its conceptual underpinnings

Chair: Josep Soler (, Stockholm University

This panel will contribute to the debate on ‘linguistic justice’ and the challenges posed to our understanding of the concept of language in the context of increased citizen mobility and diversity.

Avis de parution: Stéphane Dufoix, The Dispersion. A History of the Word Diaspora, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la parution chez Brill de la traduction anglaise de  La Dispersion. Une histoire des usages du mot « diaspora », par Stéphane Dufoix initialement publiée chez Amsterdam en 2011.
Stéphane Dufoix, The Dispersion. A History of the Word Diaspora, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2016.
In The Dispersion, Stéphane Dufoix skillfully traces how the word “diaspora”, first coined in the third century BCE, has, over the past three decades, developed into a contemporary concept often considered to be ideally suited to grasping the complexities of our current world. Spanning two millennia, from the Septuagint to the emergence of Zionism, from early Christianity to the Moravians, from slavery to the defence of the Black cause, from its first scholarly uses to academic ubiquity, from the early negative connotations of the term to its contemporary apotheosis, Stéphane Dufoix explores the historical socio-semantics of a word that, perhaps paradoxically, has entered the vernacular while remaining poorly understood.
Table of contents
Acknowledgements … ix
List of Maps, Illustrations, Figures and Tables … xi
Introduction. Towards a Historical Socio-semantics of a Word in Vogue … 1
Part 1: From the Word to the Concept
Introduction to Part 1 … 23
1 The Word of the Septuagint … 27
2 The Religious Space of Dispersion … 76
3 Towards a Secular Concept … 134
Part 2: Cham Dispersed: From the Jewish Model to the Reversal
Introduction to Part 2 … 181
4 Next Year in Ethiopia: Blacks at the Jewish Mirror … 185
5 A Name of One’s Own: The Emergence of the Black/African Diaspora … 231
6 The Reversal … 279
Part 3: The Name of the Global
Introduction to Part 3 … 337
7 Constructing the Field of Diaspora Studies … 340
8 The Critical Turn … 392
9 States and Their Diasporas … 444
Conclusion. Two Cats and Three Demons … 495
Bibliography … 501
Index of Names … 581

Pour plus d’informations, voir le site de l’éditeur:

CfP: “The Political Rhetoric of Isms”, Contributions to the History of Concepts, deadline: 30 March 2017

HiSoPo vous informe de la publication de l’appel à contributions pour la revue Contributions to the History of Concepts sur la rhétorique politique des “ismes” qu’il s’agisse de courants politiques (libéralisme, communisme, fascisme, socialisme, etc.) ou de sensibilités politiques autour d’une personnalité (gaullisme, mitterrandisme, jospinisme,  blairisme, sarkozysme, berlusconisme, etc.). La deadline pour soumettre une proposition d’article est fixée au 30 mars 2017.

Call for Papers to Contributions to the History of Concepts
The Political Rhetoric of Isms  


Isms form a great part of our political, cultural, and scholarly language. It would be quite difficult to conduct a serious conversation on literature, music, religion, or sciences without isms like “romanticism,” “classicism,” “neorealism,” “constructivism,” “Freudianism,” or “Platonism.” And it would be hard to imagine any news broadcasting on politics without words such as “liberalism,” “conservatism,” “communism,” “feminism,” or “multiculturalism.” The ism suffix has spread to nearly all languages either as a direct adaptation, or as a sign that roughly corresponds to the idea of an ism. In short: the use of ism is an irreplaceable feature of political and social language globally.
In debate, isms tend to be used to reduce a complex figure of thought into one word. By doing this, isms have often been a way of forging a long tradition of thought (e.g. Aristotelianism), pointing toward a wished for state of things (e.g. socialism), including or excluding strands of thought (e.g. true or false liberalism), delineating a set of unwanted practices (e.g. racism), or labeling an intellectual or political movement (e.g. feminism). In many cases, isms have been a way of setting the agenda for debate, making them unavoidable for anyone who wants to be heard in public life.
The call for this special issue in Contributions to the History of Concepts is motivated by the need to study the conceptual history of isms from a comparative perspective. By including articles that deal with the history of particular ism concepts, the journal issue will shed light on how the rhetorical and temporal properties of isms have varied over time and space.
Scholars working on the conceptual history of particular ism concepts are urged to send their full articles to Contributions to the History of Concepts at ( All articles should include an abstract of 200–500 words. Authors are asked to consult the style guide of Contributions to the History of Concepts (see

The deadline for submissions is 30 March 2017. Each submission will first be assessed for scope and suitability for Contributions to the History of Concepts by the editors. Articles that are deemed to be within scope will be further sent to peer review within a month after submission. While assessment of scope is based on full articles, the editors are also willing to comment on abstracts by potential authors prior to the deadline. Papers that are accepted after peer review are planned to be included in a special issue to be published as the first issue of 2018. The editors also reserve the possibility of organizing the special issue in another matter if the accepted submissions give cause to it. The call welcomes submissions from all spheres of life. There is no chronological, thematic or geographical limit to the empirical cases that the articles can address. All articles should however include analysis of historical examples of ism concepts in use. We prioritize papers that focus on the contextual reading of sources and show that the author is familiar with the tradition of conceptual history.

Contributions to the History of Concepts is an international peer-reviewed journal. The journal serves as a platform for theoretical and methodological articles as well as empirical studies on the history of concepts and their social, political, and cultural contexts. It aims to promote the dialogue between the history of concepts and other disciplines, such as intellectual history, history of knowledge and science, linguistics, translation studies, history of political thought and discourse analysis. For more information, see
Tentative timeline: 30 March, submission of articlesEnd of April, notification of articles sent to peer reviewMay–July, peer review and selection of articlesAugust-October, revision of articlesDecember, final articles are accepted for publication


Colloque “Comparing the Concepts of Representation”, Concepta/CivCons/CLAIMS/HiSoPo, Paris, 18-19 novembre 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue du colloque  “Comparing the Concepts of Representation” organisé par le projet Civic Constellation, le réseau Concepta, le projet ANR-DFG CLAIMS et le groupe de projet de l’AFSP HiSoPo. L’événement aura lieu à Sciences Po & Paris 8, les 18 et 19 novembre 2016.

Comparing the Concepts of Representation

SciencesPo/Paris 8, Paris,

Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2016


Organized by the Civic Constellation II project, Concepta: International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, the CLAIMS project (ANR-DFG) and HiSoPo (AFSP)

Convenors: Samuel Hayat (CNRS/CERAPS) and José María Rosales (University of Málaga)


Friday, 18 November 2016
Sciences Po 56 rue des Saint-Pères, room François Goguel (5th floor)

Welcome 9:15

Chair: Samuel Hayat

Yves Sintomer, Paris 8
The Meanings of Political Representation: Uses and Misuses of a Notion

Chair: José María Rosales

Bert Dejer
Disputing the Old Government: Representation and the Free State in Holland, 1706–1716

Julia Nordblad, Uppsala
Speaking Political Representation: An Attempt to Operationalize the ‘Representative Claim’ in Historical Research

Taru Haapala, Jyväskylä
Oxford Union Debate on War in 1933: Rhetoric, Representation, Political Action

Udit Bhatia and Vatsal Naresh, Oxford and Yale
Defection and Representation in India

Chair: Samuel Hayat

Alessandro Mulieri, Leuven
Representation as a Political Theological Concept

Piotr Kuligowski, Poznan
The Conceptions of Representation in Polish Political Thought (1832–1848)

Facundo Rocca, Paris 8
The Problems of Modern Representation in the Young Marx

Ludmilla Lorrain, Paris 1
Mill’s Concept of Political Representation

Chair: Samuel Hayat

Petra Guasti and Brigitte Geissel, Frankfurt
Semantics of Claims: Comparing Two German Case Studies

Alaya Forte, SOAS
Political Representation at the Intersection: How Should We Search for a New

Christine Ludl, Berlin
Studying ‘Representations’ in the Global South: From an Object of Research to a
Conceptual History and Epistemology of Representation(s)

Saturday, 19 November 2016
Centre Malher 9 rue Malher, main amphitheatre (1st basement)

Chair: Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, CNRS/CEIAS

Rochana Bajpal, SOAS
Representation and Difference: Revisiting the Indian Constituent Assembly Debates: 1946–49

Chair: Brigitte Geissel, Frankfurt

Chulki Hong, Seoul
Undemocratic Reception of Undemocratic Idea and Institution? Political Representation in East Asian Contexts

Wang Zhongyuan, Leiden
Authoritarian Representation: Representational Innovations in China’s Local People’s Congresses

Lindsay J. Benstead, Portland State
Clientelistic Responsiveness: Conceptualizing Representation under Authoritarianism

Florence Di Bonaventura, Bruxelles Saint-Louis
The Dynamic and Polysemous Political Representation of the Lega Nord through Identity, Imagery and Mandate

Chair: José María Rosales

Kari Palonen, Jyväskylä
Max Weber and the European Union


To attend the Research Seminar, please register by sending an email to

Vous trouverez également le programme détaillé du colloque en format PDF ci-joint: programme_concepta_-representation_-2016_11_18_19

Colloque inaugural du Centre européen d’études républicaines, ENS Ulm, 24-25 novembre 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue du colloque inaugural du Centre européen d’études républicaines qui aura lieu à Paris les 24-25 novembre 2016, à l’ENS d’Ulm. Ces deux jours d’échanges visent à permettre à des spécialistes d’histoire, d’histoire des idées, de philosophie, de science politique ou de sociologie politique de se retrouver sur un terrain qui a fait l’objet de profonds renouvellements au cours des dernières années et dont les enjeux théoriques et pratiques sont évidents.

Deux tables rondes animées par Le Monde des Livres et France Culture seront ouvertes le soir et permettront des discussions plus informelles.  Lentrée est absolument libre pour ces deux tables rondes et lors des autres sessions, sauf lors des deux matinées du jeudi et du vendredi en raison de la présence de la Ministre et du Président de la République: il faut pour ces matinées s’inscrire sans trop tarder, si vous le souhaitez, à l’adresse suivante:
Vous trouverez le programme détaillé des deux journées auxquelles participent plus sieurs membres d’HiSoPo ici : programme_cedre_2016_11_24_25

Congrès international “Conceptos transatlánticos. Nuevos retos y enfoques históricos para Iberconceptos”, Cartagena, Colombie, deadline: 10 novembre 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la publication de l’appel à communications pour le Congrès international “Conceptos transatlánticos. Nuevos retos y enfoques históricos para Iberconceptos” qui aura lieu à Cartagena (Colombie) du 18 au 20 avril 2017. Ce congrès est co-organisé par Iberconceptos — Grupo de Historia Intelectual de la Política Moderna de l’Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao, España) et le Departamento de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales de l’Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia). La deadline pour l’envoi des communications est fixée au 10 novembre 2016. Vous trouverez ci-joint le texte de l’appel à communications en espagnol: cfp_cartagena_2017_04_18_20

Conférence internationale: “Political representation beyond elections: A comparison China/Westerne Countries”, Beijing, Peking University, October 21th-22th, 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue d’une conférence internationale sur la représentation politique organisée dans le cadre du programme ANR/DFG CLAIMS (New Political Representative Claims: A Global View. France, Germany, Brazil, China, India) et qui aura lieu à l’Université de Pékin les 21-22 octobre 2016. Vous trouverez ci-joint le programme de la conférence: political-representation-beyond-elections_program_30_09_2016

Colloque “Resistance in intellectual history and political thought”, Centre for Intellectual History/Social & Political Thought (University of Sussex), 15-16 septembre 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue du colloque “Resistance in intellectual history and political thought” organisé par le Centre for Intellectual History/Social & Political Thought (University of Sussex) les 15 et 16 septembre prochain.

Pour plus de précisions, vous trouverez ci-joint le programme du colloque en format PDF: Programme final


The 5th London Summer School in Intellectual History, London, Queen Mary University of London, 5-8 september 2016

HiSoPo vous informe de la tenue de la 5ème École d’été en histoire intellectuelle co-organisée à Londres par la Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and l’University College London (UCL) du 5 au 8 septembre 2016 à la QMUL.

Vous trouverez plus de détails dans le programme ci-joint en format PDF (Summer School in Intellectual History-Programme) ainsi que sur le site de l’UCL. Vous trouverez également un plan pour pouvoir vous y rendre ici.

Call for Papers: Concepta Research Seminar “Comparing the Concepts of Representation”, deadline: 15 September 2016

HiSoPo vous informe du présent appel à publications pour des journées d’étude qui se tiendront à Paris les 18 et 19 novembre 2016 sur le thème “Comparing the Concepts of Representation”, organisées par le projet Civic Constellation, le réseau Concepta, le projet ANR-DFG CLAIMS et le groupe de projet de l’AFSP HiSoPo. Centrées sur l’histoire conceptuelle comparée, ces journées sont ouvertes à toutes les contributions pouvant éclairer la diversité dans le temps et l’espace des usages du concept de représentation.

Call for Papers

Comparing the Concepts of Representation

SciencesPo, Paris, Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2016

Organized by the Civic Constellation II project, Concepta: International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, the CLAIMS project (ANR-DFG) and HiSoPo (AFSP)

Representation is a core concept in modern politics. Since the revolutions of the 17th and 18th century, representation has become the main principle organizing and legitimizing political systems. Social movements themselves are based on representation – of workers, of women, of minorities – as are aesthetics, linguistics or psychology. As a result of this centrality, the concept of representation can be hard to grasp; ubiquitous, its meaning is deeply contentious.

It is ever more so the case as we enlarge the scope of analysis from English to other languages. While in English or in French a single signifier, representation or représentation, can refer to several signified (incarnation, delegation, mental images, pictorial or theatrical reproduction and so on), Italian distinguishes between rappresentazione and rappresentanza, German between Repräsentation, Vertretung, Darstellung and Vorstellung, for example. And this is not to mention non-European languages, in which sometimes the Western concept of representation was imported (such as daibiao in Chinese).

Facing this plurality and ambiguity of meanings, several strategies are possible: one is exemplified by Hanna Pitkin’s 1967 seminal work, The Concept of Representation, which delineates a single concept of representation – admittedly offering a range of interpretations – as ‘the making present in some sense of something which is nevertheless not present literally or in fact’. While useful in political philosophy, this approach can lead to historical misconceptions. The purpose of this seminar is more aligned with another classic work, namely, Hasso Hofmann’s 1974 Repräsentation. Studien zur Wort- und Begriffsgeschichte von der Antike bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. Accordingly, we intend to explore the plurality of ways in which the concept of representation is used in the languages of politics.

This Research Seminar will bring together scholars from different disciplines at all stages of their career to provide the first elements for a comparative history of political representation. As such, while the focus of the contributions will not necessarily be strictly linguistic and can include institutions and practices, authors will nonetheless be expected to take into account the discursive dimension of the studied phenomenon and to expose and discuss the meanings of the concept of representation in the context(s) of their study. Even if there is no preferred geographical or temporal setting, we will consider very favourably papers that study political representation in non-European areas.

Keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Rochana Bajpai (SOAS, University of London) and Prof. Yves Sintomer (Paris 8 University, IUF).

Language: English – no attendance fee.

To apply please send your paper proposal in a Word file, of up to 500 words, before 15 September 2016 to both convenors: Samuel Hayat, CNRS/CERAPS ( and José María Rosales, University of Málaga (

To prepare the sessions debates, enlarged abstracts/outlines/papers of up to 1500 words should be sent to both convenors by 28 October 2016.