HiSoPo vous informe de l’appel à communications pour un workshop intitulé “Materialist Discourse Analysis Methodological entanglements” qui aura lie u à l’Université de Warwick les 7-8 juillet 2016.
Call for Papers and Contributions
Methodological entanglements
Interdisciplinary workshop and publication project
University of Warwick (UK), July 07-08, 2016
Deadline for applications: January 18, 2016
Particularly the methodological consequences to be drawn from a decidedly materialist perspective on discourse remain rather opaque, and are rarely explored systematically. Therefore, the workshop will constitute a space to discuss practical implementations of discourse analysis as a materialist method.
We invite proposals that
● explore this issue against the background of concrete examples from a broad range of subject areas
● and in relation to a range of different theoretical frameworks, which are animated by a critical and/or interventionist impetus
Contributions could address (but are not limited to) the following aspects:
● What qualifies a discourse analytical method as materialist?
● The methodological and epistemological implications materialisms have for discourse analytical methods
● Analysing the materiality of discourse, and the discourse on materiality
● Materialist approaches to the study of subjectivation and ideology
● Materialist methodologies within praxeological and pragmatic approaches to discourse
● Post-representationalist and -foundationalist methods of discourse analysis
● Trajectories of materialism in discourse-analytical methods and the historical relation between materialism and discourse analysis
● De-colonial and non-western methods of materialist discourse analysis
● Feminist-materialist methodologies and epistemologies
● Discourse-analytical methods that rework prominent Marxist categories, such as class(,) struggle, production, reproduction, accumulation, or crisis
We look forward to submissions that reflect on the implications of the chosen aspect(s) for their own research and/or political practice. Contributions from researchers or collectives without formal academic affiliation are explicitly welcome. A small quantity of travel grants is available for participants without access to institutional funding. Please mention your requirements alongside your application, we will then get in touch and discuss possibilities.
The goal of the workshop is to work towards an edited volume that takes stock and explores materialist methodologies in the field of Discourse Studies. Papers for publication will be selected on the basis of the participants’ submission and the discussion at the workshop.
Please submit your abstract (of no more than 400 words) and a short bio by January 18, 2016 to
Papers (of no more than 5000 words) should be submitted 10 days before the workshop. Please note that it is crucial to adhere to this deadline in order to be considered for the publication.